Winter by Marissa Meyer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
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Ahh, I have that strange feeling that happens when you reach the end of a good series. I powered through this book because I wanted to find out what happened, but at the same time I read slower than I could have because I did not want it to end. I'm happy I read it now, though. Winter was a great ending to such an interesting series.
I will preface this review by saying that Cinder still remains my favourite novel in this series. This is quite unusual for me, I can't think of a single other series where I have liked the first book the most. I think that this is the case in The Lunar Chronicles because the story was a lot more fluid in Cinder, owing to the fact that there was only one main character to follow. As much as I loved Winter, there are now four main characters, and four more almost main characters, all of whom have their own plots. A lot of things happened in this novel and it became a little confusing following who was currently teamed up with who, where they were etc. Having said that, I still enjoyed the overall plot, even if it was a little overwhelming at times.
Winter, as a character, was very interesting and enjoyable to read about. I enjoyed her parts of the novel the most, due to Meyer's unique portrayal of mental illness. Jacin telling her that having a mental illness did not mean she was broken was an especially beautiful moment. I wish Winter could have been involved in the story more in this novel, or even in earlier novels (I know that defeats the purpose of introducing her as a title character, but a girl can dream).
The ending of this novel wrapped everything up nicely, which is the best you can hope for in a much loved series like this. It left things open enough that it wasn't boring, though. It was a unique take on the perfect fairy tale ending - and, really, what could possibly suit this series any more?
Overall, this was a beautiful ending to a beloved series, with a brilliant and different portrayal of mental illness as its best feature. It's definitely worth savouring this one - which won't be hard considering it's a huge 823 pages long.
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